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Camping site website Jacobo Bermudez

Camping site website Jacobo Bermudez

The Challenge

Camping Jacobo Bermudez is a family business located in one of the largest natural parks in South America. They have dedicated themselves to the hospitality industry for more than 60 years.

After the pandemic, they felt the need for an update to reach more people. They had trouble showcasing their services and communicating with customers since they were only using social networks and word of mouth.

To address this, the owners decided to:

  1. Develop a website from scratch to showcase their services.
  2. Implement a user-friendly contact form for easy inquiries.
  3. Create an English version for a global client base.

The solution

Client's requirement

The client preferred using WordPress, as it's the tool they are most familiar with.

Ensuring easy contact with the staff was crucial. Considering the target audience is primarily Colombian tourists, and they're more likely to use Whatsapp for any type of communication, the primary contact form redirects the user to the Business's Whatsapp account. Additionally, there's a contact form for those who prefer email.

User Experience Focus

The user experience was focused on making it easy for visitors to explore services and see the camping. The customer provided videos and images, and I needed to ensure that all content (images, videos, alt-text, number of plugins) was optimized with accessibility and SEO in mind.

Key plugins

Several plugins were installed and configured to enhance the website's functionality and security:

1. Elementor for smooth and rapid building.
2. Wordfence to fortify the website against malicious actors.
3. WP Rocket for optimizing the website's performance.
4. Rank Math for SEO improvement and easy configuration of Google Search Console.
5. ConveyThis Translate to automatically translate the website to English based on the user's IP address.

The results

  • Easy navigation.
  • Fully accessible website build adhering to accessibility standards.
  • Fully SEO optimised.
  • Fully responsive for all devices.
  • Services pages packed with information, videos and real photographs of the camping grounds.

A recent screenshot from the PageSpeed tool, analyzing the website's performance.

Rank Math