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Redesign and Webflow Development of NCL's New Website

Redesign and Webflow Development of NCL's New Website

NCL needed:

  • A complete makeover.
  • A UI Kit for future updates.
  • New copy and texts
  • The ability to track and analyze user behavior (while being GDPR-compliant).

Here are the highlights:

Social proof

We’ve been working with all types of companies for the past couple of years and have received amazing testimonials and success stories, which were previously hidden.

Now, you can go to and read about some of the most impactful projects we’ve helped launch.

No time to read the whole post?

No problem, we also have some snippets of what clients have said about us.

A new identity

When we started, we used a Softr template to validate our concept quickly (the NoCode advantage, right?).

That's in the past.

I developed a specific design system with everything from buttons, colors, and typefaces. Now, making changes is just as delightful as navigating.

I used Lummi for a few extra images and assets.

Fast, SEO optimized and RGDP compliant

The web is fully optimized to comply with the minimum google standards. It's fast, smooth and accessible.

In order to be GDPR-compliant, I installed add configured the Finsweet cookie consent functionality. The design is the same, but the colors are slightly modifies to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) regarding color and contrast.

PageSpeed Insights report from NCL's website


The layout is simple and to the point. Every image has alt text, text is clear and uses rem sizes, colors have sufficient contrast, target sizes are at least 44px, and the animations are subtle, nothing fancy.

Best practices

This website was created following both Client-First and Lumos principles. I used variables for color, sizes, etc. The text is responsive because it uses a bit of code in order to do that.
